
Thursday 6 March 2014


Baldness involves the state of lacking hair where it often grows, especially on the head. The most common form of baldness is a progressive hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness that occurs in adult male humans and other species. The amount and patterns of baldness can vary greatly; it ranges from male and female pattern alopecia, alopecia areata, which involves the loss of some of the hair from the head, and alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all head hair, to the most extreme form, alopecia universafis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the body.

Although hair is not vital for living but it has lots of cosmetic concern to provoke restlessness in anyone when it begins thinning, lessening or disappearing. To a female, the view of a comb or brush enclosed with lost hair can cause strong mental strain. Hair is fashioned in little pockets in Hie skill called hair follicles. An up growth at the base of the Follicle, called the papilla, usually produces hair when a particular group of cells turn amino acids into keratin, a sort OF protein of which hair is made. The rate of production of lluse protein building blocks decides hair growth. The average enlargement rate is about 1.2 centimetres per  , increasing fastest on women between 15 to 30 years age.


Main hair symptoms are seeing hair on clothes after COMB, bald patches and receding hairline. Symptoms are  clear for hair loss.

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