
Thursday 6 March 2014


The most common sign of gout is a nighttime attack of .welling, tenderness, redness, and sharp pain in your big inc. You can also get gout attacks in your foot, ankle, or lu K cs. The attacks can last a few days or many weeks before 11 II( pain goes away. Another attack may not happen for mniilhs or years. See your doctor even if your pain from gout is gone. 1 buildup of uric acid that led to your gout attack can still ILIUM your joints.


Jnlnl Aspiration

This is the most important test. It is the ultimate method certain of a diagnosis of gouty arthritis, as opposed other causes such as an infection in the joint. nodle is inserted into the joint to withdraw a sample of lid for testing.
* The fluid is examined to see if there are gout crystals or bacterial infection present. Sometimes other crystals can be  found  in  the  joint  fluid,   such  as  calcium pyrophosphate, which is caused by an entirely different condition called pseudogout (like gout).

Blood Tests

* Your doctor may obtain a blood sample to look at your cell counts, uric acid levels, kidney function, etc.
* Unfortunately, the level of uric acid in your blood cannot be reliably used to make a diagnosis of gout. It is normal in approximately 10% of people during an acute attack of gouty arthritis. Moreover, uric acid levels are elevated in 5%-8% of the general population, so the presence of an elevated level does not necessarily mean that gout is the cause of an inflamed joint.


* X-rays are primarily used to assess underlying joint damage, especially in patients who have had multiple episodes of gouty arthritis.

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