
Thursday 6 March 2014


Bad breath caused by dental problems can be prevented easily with proper home and professional care. This means:

Brushing your teeth, tongue and gums after meals
Flossing daily
Rinsing with a mouthwash approved by the American Dental Association (ADA)
Visiting the dentist regularly (at least twice a year) for an exam and tooth cleaning.
You also can combat bad breath by drinking plenty of water every day to help your body make saliva. An occasional swish of the mouth with water can loosen bits of food. Other products can help you keep breath fresh and prevent plaque from forming. They include:

Sugar-free gum.
Sugarless breath mints.
Raw carrots.


The treatment of bad breath depends on its cause.
Your dentist promptly if you have bad breath with loose teeth or painful, swollen gums that bleed easily. Also, call your doctor if you have bad breath along with any of the following symptoms:

—    Fever.
—    Sore throat.
—    Postnasal drip.
—    Discoloured nasal discharge.
—    Cough that produces mucus.

Even if you have none of these symptoms, call yOur dentist or physician if your bad breath continues despite a good diet and proper dental hygiene.
Sometimes bad breath can be a sign that a medical condition needs attention right away. If you have diabetes gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or chronic liver or kidney disease, ask your doctor what bad breath may cause for your condition.


•    Brush your teeth in the morning, in the evening, after every meal, specially after consuming milk promts fish and meat.
•    Wash the tongue with baking soda dissolved in WARM water to reduce the acidity in your mouth making a less-friendly environment for the bacteria to grow.
•    Brushing and flossing teeth regularly can rid off breath.
•    Clean and replace your toothbrush regularly.

Avoid mouthwashes with dyes and alcohol. Mouthwash containing cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorine dioxide, sodium chloride or zinc may serve as an antibacterial agent, that can control the number of anaerobic bacteria in mouth.
Parsley, coriander, basil, rosemary, thyme, wintergreen, cardamom seeds, cinnamon bark, clove, fennel or anise seeds are great breath fresheners. Slowly chew any of these herbs and allow the saliva to build up in your  mouth.

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