
Thursday 6 March 2014


A healthy human being passes wind about eight to twttity times a day. Hence, just passing wind a couple of Mines a day is not called flatulence. The symptoms to mose flatulence or excessive flatulence are as follows:

 There is a repeated and uncontrollable urge to pass wind

 The urge is felt at the anus. The nerve endings of the anal tract are specialized to understand the signal. In flatulence, the urge can be so strong that the person could get confused between the signal for passing wind and for defecation. Hence there could be accidental defecation sometimes. The wind passed by flatulent people has traces of methane in it due to undigested food. Due to this, the gas passed is foul-smelling.  When the wind is to get expelled, pressure is built up
over the anal sphincter. This causes the wind to vibrate the anus, leading to noisy discharges. The person could have either diarrhea or constipation.


Flatulence is an embarrassing condition. A person who breaks wind in public is generally ridiculed and even shunned in social circles. This is perhaps the most drastic complication caused by flatulence. Medically, flatulence can be the external symptom of some deep-rooted gastric or intestinal disorder. If the problem arises repeatedly, then a detailed medical investigation is required. Some people have pains with flatulence. These pains could be either in the abdomen or in the anal tract. Such pains need to be checked for ulcers, piles or tumors

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