
Thursday 6 March 2014


While tension headaches are the most frequenllvf occurring type of headache, their cause is not known. TU! most likely cause is contraction of the muscles that the skull. When the muscles covering the skull are strched they may spasm and cause pain. Common sites inchn base of the skull where the trapezius muscles inserts, the temple where muscles that assist the jaw in nare located, and the forehead. Tension headaches occur because of physically emotional stress placed on the body. Physical stress may cause tension headaches include difficult and manual labor, or sitting at a desk or computer for long periods of time Emotional stress may also cause tension headaches by causing the muscles surrounding the skull to contract.


The symptoms of tension headache are:

•    A pain that begins in the back of the head and upper neck as a band-like tightness or pressure.
•    Described as a band of pressure encircling the head with the most intense pain over the eyebrows.
•    The pain is usually mild (not disabling) and bilateral (affecting both sides of the head).
•    Not associated with an aura (see below) and are not associated with nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light and sound.
•    Usually occur sporadically but can occur frequently and even daily in some people.
•    Most people are able to function despite their tension headaches.


The history of tension headache will include pain that is difficult to moderate, located on both sides of the head, described tightness that is not throbbing, and not made worse m  will i activity. There will be no associated symptoms like vomiting, or light sensitivity. The physical examination is important in tension has because it has to be normal to make the diagnosis. exception is that there may be some tenderness of neck muscles. If the health care practitioner finds an abnormality, then the diagnosis of tension headache would not be considered.

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